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16/01/2008 - World Games 2010 Foundation Selects Official Shipping Agent

By Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games

The World Games 2010 Foundation has appointed Peden Bloodstock as the Official Shipping Agent for the 2010 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games, to be held 25 September to 10 October 2010, at the Kentucky Horse Park.

Peden Bloodstock will be engaged in the management, coordination and provision of all equine transport services and ground logistics for the Games. This will include but is not limited to coordinating the shipment of some 800 horses, their attendants, equipment and carriages to and from Lexington from all corners of the globe, and playing an intensive role in quarantine and bio-security management on the ground.

"It is an honor for Peden Bloodstock to have been chosen by the Foundation to manage the equine transport logistics for the 2010 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games," stated Peden Bloodstock Managing Director, Martin Atock. "We believe that our track record specializing in large and complex movements of horses to and from World Championships and Olympic Games speaks for itself, having been appointed shipping agents for all the WEG's since their inception in 1990 and having also handled the last six Olympic Games."

"Additionally, we are very fortunate to have highly skilled staff who possess countless years of experience in handling complex and important movements of this nature," Atock continued. "This is indeed a first for the World Equestrian Games, which have never before been held outside the European Continent and this in itself creates an unprecedented movement of horses to and from the United States, the likes of which has never been seen before. We are confident and excited to be meeting this logistical challenge head on and look forward to working with the Foundation to make this the most memorable Games ever."

The company's experience made it a natural choice to handle the record number of horses that will be shipped to the United States in 2010, noted Foundation Competition Director Kate Jackson.

"Peden Bloodstock is very familiar with the World Equestrian Games, and that will only aid our efforts as we work together to create the best competition environment possible for the 2010 Games," said Jackson.

Peden Bloodstock is an international company engaged in the management, co-ordination and provision of transport services for horses throughout the World. The Peden name has been associated with horse transport since 1947, when the company was the first to commercially transport horses by air. Peden has offices in Germany and the United Kingdom staffed by personnel with countless years of experience in handling complex and important movements.

The Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games, to be held at the Kentucky Horse Park September 25-October 10, 2010, are the world championships of the eight equestrian disciplines recognized by the Fédération Equestre Internationale (FEI), and are held every four years. The Games have never before been held outside of Europe; nor have all eight disciplines ever previously been held together at a single site- both firsts that will be achieved at the Kentucky Horse Park. The 2010 Games are expected to have a statewide economic impact of $150 million. It is anticipated that more than 600,000 spectators will attend the 16-day competition.

16/01/2008 - Supplier Registration Company Selected for 2010 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games
National Diversity Solutions (NDS) has been selected to manage the supplier recruitment, registration and qualification process for the 2010 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games.

"The 2010 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games represent a tremendous opportunity for our state and the Central Kentucky region," said D. Mitchell, CEO for National Diversity Solutions, which is a Lexington, Kentucky-based certified minority owned business. "We are honored to be selected as a partner for this prestigious event."

Companies wishing to register as a potential supplier for the 2010 Games can go to, and follow the instructions for supplier registration under the menu selection "Get Involved."

National Diversity Solutions will facilitate the supplier registration process for the World Games 2010 Foundation, Inc. using their web-based Supplier Collaboration Portal. This solution will automate the engagement process between the hundreds of potential suppliers and the World Games 2010 Foundation. NDS will ensure that qualified suppliers are presented for consideration, and will also assist in recruiting suppliers to register for potential opportunities as they arise.

"We are anticipating a wide variety of supplier needs as preparations for the 2010 Games move forward," said Foundation COO Rob Hinkle. "With their web-based services, NDS will be able to quickly and efficiently link us to suppliers qualified to handle an event of this size."

16/01/2008 - Unveiled in Lexington
Two digital clocks were unveiled on 29 December 2007 in downtown Lexington to mark the number of days until the 2010 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games. The clocks were unveiled by Lexington Mayor Jim Newberry and World Games 2010 Foundation CEO Jack Kelly, thus marking 1,000 days to go until the Games' Opening Ceremonies. The Games will begin on September 25, 2010 and end on October 10, after 16 days of world championship equestrian competition at the Kentucky Horse Park.

"The Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games have been the talk of the town for months," Mayor Jim Newberry said. "It will be fun to watch the countdown as we continue to focus on our preparations."

The unveiling of these clocks marks the end of a very active year for the World Games 2010 Foundation, the organization responsible for planning, staging and conducting the Games. In the last four months of 2007 alone, the Foundation launched highly successful ticket deposit and trade show deposit programs, and announced a new major international sponsorship with Rolex, as well as a local sponsorship from Rood and Riddle Equine Hospital.

"The countdown clocks will be a constant reminder in our efforts to stay ahead of schedule as we prepare for the 2010 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games," said Foundation CEO Jack Kelly. "But they are also a reminder of the momentum we are gaining every day, as the excitement builds and various groups join the Games' efforts with such tremendous enthusiasm and high levels of interest."

16/01/2008 - 1,000 Days and Counting
A few thoughts from Jack Kelly, CEO World Games 2010 Foundation on that special day - 29 December 2007

On 29 December, the 2010 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games celebrates a major milestone-with the beginning of the 1,000 day countdown to the Games' opening ceremonies. The awareness and enthusiasm is growing each day with many specific games-related activities already underway in preparation for these Games. It has been a busy and exciting year so I thought I would take a moment to give you some of the highlights.

Just this week, we are pleased to announce that Rolex has signed on as a sponsor with the designation of the "Official Timepiece" for the Games;

Our merchandising program has already exceeded total sales in comparison to the 2006 Games, and we have started a co-branding effort;

We launched a weekly local radio program on WLAP in Lexington. Viewers from around the world can log on and listen live or download podcasts to find out what is happening with the Games;

We installed a permanent display at Blue Grass Airport to build awareness among those flying into Lexington;

Major construction continues at the Kentucky Horse Park on transportation systems, a new indoor arena and the outdoor stadium;

In October, we launched our trade show deposit program for vendors and the interest has been incredible-more than 120 deposits received;

Also in October, we announced our second major sponsor -Rood & Riddle Equine Hospital;

On November 1, we launched a two-week-long ticket deposit program for United States Equestrian Federation members to test our ticketing system and measure interest. That program proved successful as well with more than $6 million in ticket sales; and,
World-renowned artist LeRoy Neiman has been commissioned as the official commemorative artist of the Games

As you can see, the excitement is growing and the planning is well underway. We've accomplished quite a bit this year, and we know the next 1,000 days will continue to be extremely busy as we prepare to host the world in the heart of the Bluegrass.

Jack Kelly
CEO World Games 2010 Foundation, Inc.

16/01/2008 - Rolex Becomes Official Timepiece of the Games
The World Games 2010 Foundation, Inc. and The Rolex Company announced that Rolex, the leading maker of luxury wristwatches, has signed on to become the "Official Timepiece of the 2010 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games."

"Having Rolex become a partner of the Games is exciting and tremendously important to our event," stated Jack Kelly, CEO of the World Games Foundation, Inc. "They have been such an integral part of equestrian sport for so many years, and it is only fitting that they be one of the first partners to join our efforts."

Rolex, a strong supporter and sponsor of equestrian sports for more than 50 years, is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. The company has been a sponsor of the World Equestrian Games since the 2002 Games in Jerez, Spain, and has long been the title sponsor of the highly successful Rolex Kentucky Three-Day Event, held annually at the Kentucky Horse Park and the Rolex FEI World CupTMJumping

16/01/2008 - Competition Director to Join World Games Foundation Staff in January 2008
Ms. Kate Jackson will relocate to the World Games 2010 Foundation office in January 2008, to begin working full-time in Lexington, Kentucky as the Competition Director of the 2010 Games.

Ms. Jackson was selected as the Games' competition director in September 2007. Her duties will include all logistical arrangements for the importation, quarantine, stabling, veterinary and training facilities for more than 900 horses, as well as overseeing and coordinating the production of the competitions.

"Kate brings to the Foundation an outstanding background of directing large-scale equestrian events," said COO Rob Hinkle. "We are very pleased to have her joining us at the World Games Foundation office and to have her expertise as we work day-by-day on what will be the largest equestrian event ever held in the United States."

Ms. Jackson currently serves as an FEI Executive Board Member and FEI Bureau member. Her experiences in competition management include serving as Competition Director of Equestrian Sports and the Modern Pentathlon for the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games; as a Technical Advisor for equestrian sports at the 1988 Seoul Olympic Games; and as Director of the Equestrian Three Day Event competition for the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics. She has also served as the Director of International Competitions for the National Horse Show Association, and was Executive Director of the American Horse Shows Association.

"I am greatly honored to be selected for this position and am eagerly looking forward to the opportunity to work with such an excellent team of Discipline Managers," said Ms. Jackson. "Together, I am sure we will be able to produce the finest World Equestrian Games ever on the finest possible site for them, the Kentucky Horse Park."

16/01/2008 - More than 30 Percent of Trade Show Booths Already Reserved for 2010!
Companies and other organizations around the world have taken advantage of the first opportunity to become a vendor at the 2010 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games Trade Show. The World Games 2010 Foundation launched its trade show advance registration deposit program in October 2007, and already more than 30 percent of available booth spaces have been reserved.

As of mid-December, 125 booths spaces had been reserved, accounting for 31.25 percent of the spaces available. Currently, companies and organizations reserving those spaces come from twenty-three U.S. states, as well as Canada and Germany. Approximately 25 percent of companies reserving spaces are located in Kentucky. California and Ohio round out the top three states with companies reserving booth space at this point in the deposit program.

The advance registration program allows vendors to make an initial deposit, and secure priority status for selecting a final exhibit location on the Kentucky Horse Park grounds once plans have been finalized. Approximately 400 vendors from around the world will offer a variety of products, services, and information to more than 600,000 attendees.

Any and all interested vendors are able to access the registration forms and deposit information on the 2010 Games website, There, potential vendors can download the program overview and registration forms. All forms must be completed and mailed to the World Games 2010 Foundation with the initial deposit payment. There is no set deadline for the deposit program.

"We have had hundreds of requests from businesses that want to be part of the 2010 Trade Show, which is why we are offering this program nearly three years before the Games," said Foundation CEO Jack Kelly. "It allows potential vendors to secure their place on the list, as well as schedule their payments on booth spaces over the next three years."

The initial deposit amount is $2,500.00 per booth space. Total prices per space are expected to be $12,500-$20,000 for the entire 16-day event. For more information about the advance registration program, potential vendors can contact the World Games 2010 Foundation staff, at, or at 859-255-2010 ext. 236.

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